
Showing posts from March, 2021


 People like being unhappy... It is like they are happy being unhappy... You know what all they would do to be unhappy? Tease when someone is frustrated... Deny gravity of problems the others face... Suggest one thousand idea instead of actually extending help... Insult any efforts made... And even if successful, compare to damp enthusiasm... Remind reality when confident... And reduce everything so bad that they may call all of it the devil's fault... Intended pun, vulgarity, satire...  All these dont come to us naturally... We nurture it as the time passes.... We forget that we have spines and we are not snakes... But what are we without any poison?  So we deliberately nurture vulgarity... You see there is joy in hunting... Chasing and hitting the targets and then finishing the assumed tasks... So what if some life is lost? Isn't that the utility and the idea of poison ? Regrets don't have any role to play... Regrets or guilt of an act is unnecessary fire to roast ones co